Thank you for your interest Cursor Maker Firstly, I would not reccomend that you use Cursor Maker if you are not an experienced Windows user and have used a few drawing applications. I have not included any help because if you are experienced in using windows then everything should be obvious from reading the text bar when the cursor is over any part of the application. Cursor Maker is not meant to be a drawing application, the idea is that you use the graphics application that you usually use and capture the image into Cursor Maker to make a cursor or icon. That is why there are only very basic drawing options. These are meant mainly for adding transparent parts to the images and making minor changes to images that have been shrunk. You can get an exact color match for any color in any image. When capturing an image which is to be shrunk it best to make a few attempts as some captures look better than others. Hope you enjoy using Cursor Maker. you can email me at www.114331,